Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Finally a new post! Brit Quilt Swap 3 received!

Hello all!

It's been a ridiculous amount of time since my last post.  With a busy life and an active toddler it's hard to find the time to blog when there are so many other things that need doing.  

Time to stop being remiss!

I absolutely NEED to shout out to Sarah at Narcoleptic in a Cupboard! She was my swap partner for the Brit Quilt Swap 3 and boy did she do an amazing job.  She stalked me well, made an awesome quilt, and added in some spectacular goodies.  First off is the quilt.

It is full on paper pieced loveliness!

 Here is her label on the back.


 Now, the quilt is fab but the goodies really made me shout with glee!

 Chocolate and comedy magnets are good, but did you spot the sewing bag?  This is the back.  For those of don't get the reference, it's from Star Wars and suggesting that I use my Jedi mind tricks on Brioni when I steel her fabric.

 Here's the front with a much more esoteric reference.

First I have to say that Sarah's embroidery skills (and stalking skills) are truly amazing.  This references my favorite video game Fallout 3.  I posted a pic on Flicker that had a corner of the game box showing and she spotted it!  Thank you soooooooo much Sarah!  I know I thanked you profusely at the time but I'm sorry the blog post took so long.

Finally, Jimmy approves!

I've also admitted I'm a slow blogger!  Go here!